In early February, a 16-year-old girl named Dagny (who identified as a non-binary person named “Nex”) took a lethal cocktail of antihistamines and anti-depressants and wound up dead.
It’s every parent’s worst nightmare, a tragic set of circumstances that really takes your breath away if you put yourself in her loved ones’ shoes. This should not have happened. This happens too often.
But long before the autopsy report had even been filed, the mainstream media had already written an entirely different narrative and appointed Dagny as the new posterchild for their crusade against material reality. “Nex,” they assured us, had been beaten to death by bigots in an altercation in the school bathroom centering around her gender identity.
According to multiple sources, Dagny had been targeted and jumped by bigots who were picking on her for the way she presented. People claimed she sustained a severe head injury and ultimately succumbed to her wounds the following day. “Justice for Nex!” came the clarion cry with demands for the bigot murderers’ heads on a platter. “The high school bully girls who beat Nex to death should be tried as adults for murder,” thundered countless voices across social media.
The backlash was fierce. Dagny’s death made global news in every major media outlet in the country from The New York Times to USA Today and even overseas in outlets like the BBC, most of them using the tragedy as an opportunity to denounce “transphobia” and argue the case for eliminating sex segregation in bathrooms and locker rooms. “See?” they chortled in indignant rage at the based majority who reject gender cult think. “This is your fault! You have blood on your hands.”
Someone even collected over 56,000 signatures on a MoveOn petition addressed to the DOJ, demanding that LibsofTikTok leader Chaya Raichik be held responsible for the death since Chaya used her influence with the masses to defend sex-specific spaces.
The problem is the facts didn’t line up with the outrage, and slowly but surely, the story began to crumble faster than you can say “Jussie Smollet.”
Dagny wasn’t jumped. In fact, she was the fight’s instigator. She approached a group of girls and dumped water on them. When one of the girls responded aggressively, Dagny pushed the girl into the paper towel dispenser. Dagny’s injuries were superficial. We know this because it’s all on camera at the hospital she visited after the fight. The girls involved did not have a history of bullying her. Dagny says with her own mouth on tape that she had never even met them. And Dagny did not die of her injuries. She died of a drug overdose. The autopsy results were finally released today. The medical examiner’s report indicates that “diphenhydramine and fluoxetine combined toxicity” proved fatal, and lists the manner of death as suicide.
None of the mainstream narrative up until this point had any basis in reality. They didn’t pause to allow pesky little facts to get in the way of the story arc they were crafting. “Don’t let a good tragedy go to waste,” right? Isn’t that the motto?
And as the facts emerged, we saw the media backtrack, twist, contort, and refigure their arguments in a way that still supported their pro-trans agenda while positioning Dagny as a martyr for the cause. Now it’s not “Transphobic bullies beat Nex to death”; it’s “Transphobia led Nex to kill themselves; we must rewrite sex-based policies before more people die.”
It’s so wickedly manipulative and wrong. What good are the millions of dollars we’ve collectively invested in mental health awareness and suicide prevention if, at the end of the day, we are going to pretend like obvious mental illness is normalcy? Dagny suffered from cognitive distortions and a rejection of her healthy body. If people really loved her, they would never encourage her self-hatred by affirming the delusion that bound her. They would help her overcome it.
But no. We can’t have that. Instead the friggin New York Times has to go and pretend like those of us who are actually of sound mind are the ones responsible for all the suicide. It’s just unconscionable.
Meanwhile, we have damning footage of another high school girl ACTUALLY getting her head repeatedly smashed into the concrete during a school fight in Missouri. The victim’s name is Kaylee, and you can physically hear her head cracking against the pavement, and you see her start to convulse from the trauma as she lies sprawled out helpless on the ground (Sorry; I won’t post the footage here. It’s one of the most triggering things I’ve watched in a long time. I felt physically ill watching it.)
I generally like to leave race out of these types of discussions, but it’s relevant here. In this case, the victim is white, and the aggressor is black.
All we know about Kaylee at this point is that she is fighting for her life in a critical care unit in some undisclosed hospital. We aren’t hearing global cries for justice. We aren’t seeing op-eds in The New York Times or petitions on or political initiatives being launched in her name. Heck, most people don’t even know her name. They know Dagny’s, but they don’t know hers.
The question is why?
And the answer is obvious. The media only wants to tell us stories that help them puppeteer the masses in favor of their diabolical agendas. They only want to tell us stories if the drama can be used to dictate to us who we are supposed to hate, who we’re supposed to blame, and who we’re supposed to fear.
If the victim does not belong in a pre-approved oppression group, we aren’t going to hear about it. If the villain does belong in a pre-approved oppression group, we aren’t going to hear about it. We will definitely hear about it if the bad guy is a straight white person, though.
It’s all so very exhausting. Maybe instead of using suffering teenage girls as political pawns, we could start by asking questions about why so many of them are so gosh darn angry.
These stories hit close to home for me as the mother of a young teen girl who was also assaulted by a group of girls at school last year. She had never even talked to them. They just cornered her in a hallway, grabbed her by the ponytail, and started punching. They were doing it for status. She wasn’t seriously injured, but her eyes were certainly opened to a culture that incentivizes cruelty with popularity points.
It’s the symptom of a broken, frustrated culture where kids are desperate for grown-ups who give a damn. While kicking against the goads as teenagers do, our kids are also secretly desperate for rules and order and boundaries and the word “no.” They need parents who aren’t afraid to take their phones away from them when they’re out of line. They need parents who are brave enough to say, “Yeah, I don’t care what Tumblr told you; you weren’t born in the wrong body. Your body is perfect. We are going to get through this together, and I’m not letting you lose yourself to a culture that hates you.” They need anchoring in truth and purpose that supersedes their own self-interest.
Our teen girls don’t have their crap together yet. They’re not supposed to. They’re teenagers. Their minds and bodies are in flux. They wear weird clothes and chase weird trends and do stupid things to make boys like them and are just desperately trying to figure out where they fit in the scheme of things. That’s why they need the adults in the room to provide structure and boundaries and safety they cannot provide themselves.
They need healthy dads to tell them they’re beautiful. They need healthy moms to tell them they’re smart and capable and worthy. They need teachers who speak life into their giftings, and they need mentors to model how amazing life can be if they put their noses to the grindstone. They need adults to fight for them so they know they’re safe enough to put down their own gloves and just get on with the business of being kids. What they don’t need is a mainstream media that uses them as pawns in an agenda that will inevitably lead to their harm.
May the Lord raise up a new generation of righteous journalists to sling some strategic stones at the head of the corrupt media giants.
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Thank you, , Kaeley - Another great post. All the Media wants are those clicks and eyeballs which equal $$$. They've sold their souls for money. God have mercy on the girls and boys caught up in their stories.