Porn Kills Love
Over the weekend, a porn apologist got pretty huffy with me, regurgitating the tired myth that porn is healthy and that it reduces the incidence of rape.
He didn’t like it when I reminded him that large numbers of porn videos ARE rape, that reports from both the DOJ and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children confirm my position, and that you never can tell if the woman (whose degradation you’re exploiting for sexual gratification) is there of her own free will. He called me a hysterical idiot. I blocked him. Life goes on.
But the whole affair reminded me that it’s about time for my semi-annual reminder that if we are sincere about wanting to “make America great again,” we would be well-advised to start by tackling our porn epidemic.
Some troubling data for you:
* Each year the porn industry rakes in more revenue than the NFL, NBA, and MLB combined.
* While Hollywood releases roughly 600 movies a year to the tune of $11.4 billion at the box office, the porn industry produces 13,000 videos a year and far exceeds the box office revenue.
* Fully 25% of all search engine requests are related to sex, and 34% of all internet downloads are porn.
* Last year, people spent 5,517,000,000 hours on Pornhub alone. If you copied all that data onto hard drives and stacked them, they would reach 62.137 miles high to the edge of space.
* There are more than 30,000,000 people watching porn at any given second.
* Roughly 80% of all porn is accessed via mobile phone.
* In the States, 70% of porn consumers are male, and 30% are female.
* A study by the NIH indicated that excessive porn consumption damages the frontal lobes of porn viewers.
* One study indicates that as much as 88% of top rated porn scenes show aggression or violence toward women.
* A 2015 meta-analysis of 22 studies from seven countries found porn consumption was significantly associated with increased verbal and physical aggression in its viewers.
* More than 624,000 child porn traders have been caught in the US.
* 11 or 12 is the average age at which children are first exposed to porn in America.
* Among the top search terms on porn sites in 2019 were the words “teen,” “alien,” “cosplay,” “hentai,” “anime,” and “cartoon.”
* Hentai or cartoon porn is popular largely because it allows for the depiction of sexual activities that would otherwise be illegal: child rape, bestiality, etc.
* Pornhub searches for “transgender” increased by 121%, for “femboy” by 99%, and for “furry” by 71% last year.
* Studies indicate that porn increases marital infidelity by 300%, while I would argue that porn consumption IS marital infidelity.
* Several studies and reports show that 68% of church-going men and over 50% of pastors view porn. These same studies indicate that while 57% of pastors name porn as the most damaging problem affecting their congregants, only 7% of churches have programs to help people overcome porn addictions.
America has made sex a god. That’s why we are increasingly seeing crosses in church windows replaced by LGBTQ flags. It’s why people are being punished for refusing to worship at the preferred pronoun altar. It’s fascinating to me that Sunday is, hands-down, the busiest day for porn sites.
And it’s not just the left’s fault. The rot is everywhere. Removing the plank from our own eye will require aggressive eradication of the problem in our own camp. A pornsick nation can never be great. Let’s name and fix this problem already.