Hi Kaeley, I'm new to your Substack. I'm curious about the way you reference Jordan Peterson ("the likes of guys like Jordan Peterson"). Can you give me some context? Peterson doesn't strike me as a raging chauvenist, so I'm unclear what you mean.

As to the rest of it: yowza. Wake up time indeed. I've never heard of these men, but based on your information I don't want them in charge of anything, much less church leadership.

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Hi Leah, Thanks for the follow! Yes- good question; thanks for the opportunity to clarify. You're totally right; I don't put Jordan Peterson in the same category as these guys at all. I think he's got some subtly sexist leanings, but they're generally the type that just make me roll my eyes and move on, not the type that inspires full blown blog entries!

I only mentioned him to underscore the point that the men I AM trying to expose are not as fringe as people may be inclined to believe they are. Jordan Peterson has more than 7 million subscribers on YouTube, so I was a bit vexed to see him use that platform to amplify the voice of Doug Wilson (one of the men I wrote about.) I hope that clarifies my position a bit?

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Thanks for the reply, Kaeley, and my apologies for not acknowledging it sooner. Life stepped in the way—you know how it goes, I'm sure...

Your explanation makes a lot of sense. It has me wondering what Peterson knows and doesn't know about Doug Wilson...how Wilson came to his attention. I'd have thought JPB would do some serious due diligence regarding his guests, yet OTOH it's hard to picture him countenancing someone with Wilson's history. Rather a mystery, I'd say. Not to mention a problem.

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I’m both a Christian and radical feminist. It is a fight they are going to lose if they think they can usher in “Christian patriarchy.”

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“Enmity between the sexes is a curse, not a cure.” 👏👏👏👏

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Boy, do these men ever need Jesus. Do they not realize how much Our Lord elevated women in his ministry? Did they ever hear of Mary Magdalene? Martha of Bethany? With the exception of John, who stood with Jesus at the foot of the cross? Women. Who did Jesus first appear to after His Resurrection? A woman. His mother was front and center with the Apostles at Pentecost. These dudes are self-serving, rapacious grifters.

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