Mar 5Liked by Kaeley Triller Harms

I spent many years as a Christian trying to “kill rude people with kindness”, mostly with family members. I was in my early 60’s before I realized I had enough of it. I have since blocked family members and friends that I still pray for. Only our Lord can change a person’s heart. As usual, this is a great article!

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Mar 5Liked by Kaeley Triller Harms

Another good one, Kaeley. Thank you!

I used to think being a Christian meant more or less being a pacifist. Then my eyes were opened and I realized Jesus was no wuss. He was a gentle, but strong man's man. He strode on down to the waterfront one day and told a bunch of hard and tough fishermen/longshoremen to drop their sh%t and follow him - and they did it! OK, I'm paraphrasing a bit... The point is, Satan's out to rob, kill, and destroy us and everything we stand for. We do not have to just take it in stride. The Lord's gonna return one day but until He does, we fight. We give the enemy God's honest truth, good and hard!

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