“The antidote to the patriarchy of the Gothard cult is not the patriarchy of progressivism. The antidote to the patriarchy of the Gothard cult is surrender to the lordship of Christ.”

Spot on! Although I doubt many of your readers will understand what you mean by “the patriarchy of progressivism”. Would you care to explain what you mean by that?

“I felt like I had just been tasked with climbing Everest in a pair of flip-flops.”

Brilliant turn of phrase. Thank you Kaeley!

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The patriarchy of progressivism is a tyranny still run by males. I see it a lot.

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"The antidote to the patriarchy of the Gothard cult is surrender to the lordship of Christ." This might be the best comment I have ever read in regard to this "patriarchy" problem.

I am a pastor's kid. My dad was a good man like the pastor that counseled you. We were on the fringe of the Gothard influence. As a a boy it put me in boxes that didn't let me understand sex, women, or how to deal with problems. We didn't talk about problems. That was considered dangerous. I was a "true believer in Jesus Christ" from before I was 5, but this kind of upbringing was crippling. I don't resent it. It drove me to understanding and seeking both the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His friendship. Being close to Him is all I need.

My 3 sisters all struggled because they were told to be quiet about struggles. (seeking secular counseling was dangerous, but there was no alternative offered.) Jesus is called the Wonderful Counselor and He is. He uses many counselors to help us, both secular and Christian.

One of my sisters has gone "woke". One has gone "super liberal progressive woke". And the other has surrendered to the patriarchal fundamentalism. She has been hurt by it, but can't give it up.

I am so thankful for the patience God has shown in healing and growing me. I am now 66 years old and my life is full of seen and experienced grace. God is good.

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Thank you for sharing all that David. It touched me.

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