Imagine you are a 17 year old girl whose father assaults her and leaves bruises. Mother immediately calls the pastor for intervention. Father lies and says he was "disciplining his child for stealing". She did no such thing but pastor believed "godly Christian" father not mother nor teenage daughter.

Daughter became disillusioned with "the church" and "the faith" and has- by age 30- deconstructed. Mother felt so alone, betrayed, and helpless.

The moral of the true life experience is that churches do not listen to women, do not believe us, do not respect us, do not protect us.

The life lesson: Don't call the church for help when you are being abused. Call the police.

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Doug Wilson has nothing to lose and everything to gain. The more inflamed he gets, the more money rolls into his nepotistic empire. What the travesty is in the Moscow muck is that Wilson has raised up an army of keyboard warriors that are at his beck and call and imbibing his values and living them out in their own Christian communities. I believe that damage is the most profound. My sister and husband are planning a move to Moscow to join the cult because being a keyboard warrior wasn’t enough. This man’s siren call is oddly powerful. Pray against this diabolical scheme because it has almost destroyed my family as we’ve tried to rescue my sister from this cult to no avail.

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As a pastor who has known many men who believe and teach a limited role for women... this breaks my heart. I had no idea how far Doug Wilson was from God. I have struggled with John MacArthur more and more as time goes on... But this is far worse. I can read the writings of men I disagree with on these issues... But I can't tolerate garbage... I have never given Doug Wilson more than a cursory glance... But he does not even deserve that. I love your reference to David's being confronted with his sin. "Have mercy on me"... Psalm 51:1. Often wondered why David got away with (seemingly) heinous sins and Saul did not get away with self-will. And the reason is, David admitted his sin each and every time he was confronted with it.

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This is a sincere request. I wasn't always a christian, that said I think Jesus would approve if a group of men just got together and just beat the living tar or hell out of this man for not protecting woman and children. And tell him if he calls woman "cunts" again to expect another thrashing till he gets it right!

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Please keep educating us about these horrors. It’s hard to believe that such occurs in America. It’s even harder to believe that the media doesn’t investigate.

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None of this is surprising. I am the only open non-Christian survivor of sexual abuse a lot of people "know" so I get emails. I know many, many stories I will never tell.

The voting thing always makes me laugh. If one sex is going to lose the vote, they always assume it'll be mine. I am a member of the sex whose labor participation rate is increasing, not sharply decreasing, that completes far more education, that makes over 85% of all purchasing decisions in a capitalist economy, and commits well under 1% of the violent crime. I don't tend to throw around "privilege" talk, but that it never even occurs to them that the sex that loses the franchise might be theirs is a kind of privilege, I think, which makes me laugh.

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I’m reminded of the scene in “The Magdalen Sisters” where a victim finds her voice and shouts, “You’re not a man of God!” a dozen times at her sexual abuser of a priest. The movie is a must-see.

And Doug Wilson will feel the full weight of a millstone - whether in this life or the next.

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Well done, friend.

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Sorry for insane-looking link (it’s long, but it works).

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Thank you. I'll be sharing with others. His sins will find him out.

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This on top of that weirded out slaughter of the sleeping students, in a town of "25,435 at the 2020 census".

I'm a presbyterian church-goer down under. Our pastor is an exemplary family man. I cuss and drink too much, he is the model of rational sobriety. Not tee-total but a humorous, humble, man who can read Greek and visited the holy land on a tight budget in his youth. His three lively but charming young kids reflect credit back upon him and his wife and the life they live behind closed doors.

Are the Feds/CCP/theMansonFamily putting some psychoactive drug in the water supply of Moscow? Why is such a tiny place so freakishly weird? I'm planning my next trip to the other Moscow to visit another admirable (female) person so that's why I clicked on this story: I'm no #trustAllWomen rube but what you describe of the antics of this disgusting man has convinced me that he's a wrong'un.

I believe there will be a horrific reckoning for such as him and AOC/BLM/Disney/all others who use saintliness to mask their malice, deceit and greed ... Luke 4:6.

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Wow! Unbelievable! The horror…😱

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